Tarot: 3 Daily Spreads For Personal Growth

April 21, 2022

Tarot has rapidly gained more popularity in the past couple decades as more people of all backgrounds begin to look for deeper and personally curated guidance that they can connect to. However, the cards of Tarot date back to the 1430s as a card game involving a “trump” suit. In fact, tarot did not even become a spiritual divination tool until around 1780. Today tarot has many different types of spreads (arrangements) that can help provide guidance.

There are many ways to use Tarot to tap into your soul and you don’t even need to see a professional. You can purchase a Tarot deck at many metaphysical stores and even some book stores. Let us teach you some easy to navigate daily tarot spreads for your personal growth, as well tips for interpreting your cards.

How Tarot Works

Tarot cards are believed to be a personal tool. You connect with your deck through your own intuition and energy. When pulling cards through whichever method you connect with, you are channeling energy from higher realms. This channeled energy influences not only which cards come up, but the message you get from it as well (as one tarot card can represent a few possibilities depending on the context).

Tarot Spreads For Personal Growth

For personal readings, tarot cards can help uncover an on-going list of complications and questions in our lives. If you can ask it, tarot can answer it. From in-depth questions about career direction or love life, to simple yes or no questions. With these examples, we’re going to look at how you can up-grade your life with easy tarot spreads for personal growth.

Daily Energy Reading

The daily energy reading is probably one of the best personal growth readings to get started with and to continue using in everyday practice. In this reading you will only need 3 cards, so you don’t have too much to focus on if you don’t want to. For more in-depth answers with this spread, simply pull more cards for each part to further elaborate on the energy.

Today’s Overall Energy (Card 1)

What Should Be My Focus Today? (Card 2)

What Do I Need To Avoid Today? (Card 3)

This spread can give you a confidence boost, and may help prioritize your day between what your energy is best spent on.

Path Potential

Another helpful 3-card spread is the Path Potential. This spread is helpful when you feel as though you have hit a slump. Sometimes we think we are doing exactly what we want or are meant to be doing, then the progress and excitement slow down.

YOU (Card 1): Your Overall Energy/Presence

PATH (Card 2): What Your Current Path Looks Like

POTENTIAL (Card 3): What Your Path Has the Potential To Be

Take some time with this one, and pull extra cards for more clarification.

Energy Reboot

This card reading will take a little more consideration. For the first pull, you may need to reference the suit of the card if there is no clear answer. Cups, swords, pentacles and wands all represent different energies.

Why Do I Feel So Tired? (Card 1) – Is it my physical, mental or energetic health

What Is Affecting My Energy? (Card 2) – Who or what

How Can I Fix It? (Card 3) – What is going to give me a healthy energy flow again.

Interpret Your Reading

As a general rule, most decks will follow the outline for the Rider Waite deck. This makes it easier to understand different themed decks after you have mastered the Rider Waite card meanings.

When you purchase a tarot deck, the artist or publisher will have included a guide book for following the meaning of each of their cards. Usually this is a small description plus some keywords to help you remember. Depending on the theme of the deck , the artist will explain why they chose certain elements and what they represent.

Aside from your guide book, online is another great place for card interpretation. A good tarot website will go further into the possibilities of a card’s meaning and the connotation you should receive from it. Biddy Tarot is a great website with a completely free library of definitions for the classic Rider Waite deck.

Furthermore, keep a journal for your tarot readings where you can write down the spreads you’ve used, the cards you’ve pulled and the answers that come from within you.


Consulting tarot cards for your life’s answers almost sounds unbelievable. Though, once you give it an honest try, you will see the correlations you are able to start making. Make small steps with tarot readings to begin seeing your story clearer.

After all, belief or not, tarot gets you thinking and reflecting. That’s something, right?

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