Tips For Developing The Five Clairs

April 14, 2022

Mediumship isn’t just for the “gifted”. We are all born with the clairvoyant abilities to be connected to the unseen energy around us – what some call being psychic. Developing and tapping into our clairs simply takes practice.

Although there are believed to be several types of clairs, allow us to introduce to you the 5 main clairs, and tips for how you can start practicing each one. Before you know it, you’ll feel in touch with the energy all around us. And in the process of developing your clairs, you will find many different dimensions you didn’t know you had.


Clairvoyance is probably the term you’ve heard before when thinking about mediums. This clair is the ability of “clear seeing”. This may be seeing visions, symbols, or spirit.

Practice tip:

  • In meditation, follow what you see. If it’s a small flash of color, try focusing your thoughts on expanding it to see if it can become something more visual. This may be helpful to practice with guided meditation.
  • Keep a notebook of things you see from meditations or while dreaming. You can expand on what they mean later after your meditation.
  • Practicing artistic hobbies also helps with clairvoyance. This expands your mind to see things for more than what they appear to be.


Clairaudience is the term for “clear hearing”. With a mastered clairaudience, messages from spirits and guides may come through clearly to you as soft gentle words. This would be useful in meditation sessions or while performing divination such as tarot, when needing a clearer answer.

Practice Tips:

  • Pause to listen when hearing ringing in your ears. Many spiritually based groups believe a particular ringing in the left or right ear is a guide or spirit trying to connect with you.
  • Trust your intuition on internal thoughts or voices. “I” thoughts are yours, but a message from spirit will be phrased with “You”.
  • Certain breathwork paired with meditation can get us to the right vibrational state for receiving messages. Try Asking questions out loud when you’ve reached a meditative state, leaving time for a message to deliver.


An unknown feeling toward something is your clairsentient ability. Clairsentience is your “clear feeling” to the energy around you. You will feel this in situations that make you feel good or uneasy. As well, you can get information through the energy objects give off.

Practicing tips:

  • Meditate holding items of various vibrational states. Ex: crystals, antique items, spiritual tools. Focus on the item, can you feel its energy in your hand? How does it connect with yours? What does it make you feel?
  • Switch hands, or position the item in different places of the room. Can you still sense its energy?


Similar to clear feeling, claircognizant is “clear knowing”. This can be considered your intuition or gut feeling. This is going to help you make quick decisions about people and situations that could require you to have your guard up.

Practicing Tips:

  • Follow your first instinct before you can start over-thinking. What are you truly feeling a.k.a your “gut feeling”.
  • Practice this with people and situations. Remember to keep to yourself before making conclusions out loud. Allow things to play out and see if you were right.
  • Make note of what gave you those feelings in situations. Was it their body language? Tone of voice? As you get better with it you will be quicker at reading someone’s energy you won’t even have to think about it.


Clairalience is a more tricky of the clairs to understand and practice. This is your “clear smell”. With clairalience you may be triggered by certain smells that tell you the energy about a situation and where it is headed. It may even trigger visions.

Practicing tips:

  • Get into a meditative state. Tune into the smells around you. What do they resemble? Maybe the air is hinting at rain. Perhaps you can smell the warmer air of spring – this usually symbolizes growth and new beginnings. Try noting connections like this.
  • Once you have practiced without distractions, try noting the smells when out around people. Was there something foul in the air when the person on the street was yelling? Maybe your friend smelled of flowers as she delivered good news.


Developing any or all of the clairs is for anyone interested. Simply knowing different ways to analyze the energy around us can be hugely beneficial in our everyday lives. The mindfulness you will create as you attune to these senses will help you live more in the moment as you will not be worried about what is to come – because you already know.

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