Past Life Regression Therapy: 5 Reasons the Past Can Help You Now

April 28, 2022

Have you ever cracked that joke along the lines of “Maybe in my past life”? Well, with past life regression therapy (or PLR), you can find out what really could have been true in your past life.

Everything that happens to us in this lifetime is a manifestation of energy. However, what we may not realize is that this energy can be coming through from a past life. PLR can help us understand more.

In this article we’re going to introduce PLR and discuss in a little more detail the possibilities that past life regression therapy has for improving our livelihoods now.

What is Past Life Regression Therapy?

Past life regression therapy is a technique of hypnotherapy. The process is performed by a hypnotherapist who has been trained in PLR. The hypnotherapist will have a script that will help bring you to a place of the past and a keyword or phrase to bring you out of it.

The past timeline that you will visit can be of your current life or a past life. If it is your first session the time may be unknown, for example you may be searching for a time that would be related to a specific feeling you have but no memory of where it came from. You may also revisit a specific time for further investigation if you require more than one session.

Past life regression therapy sessions are often conducted with the goal to heal emotional and physical trauma. However, you may go into a session out of pure curiosity. With either route, you can expect to learn more about yourself and your existence on a truly meaningful level.

Health Purposes

As mentioned, everything in our lives is a manifestation of energy. Unfortunately, sometimes this energy shows up as a force against us as an unknown illness or pain.

For example, if you are experiencing a health issue that seems to have come out of nowhere, there may be more to it. In a past life regression session, your hypnotherapist may be able to help you uncover the source of your illness.

Perhaps your soul in the past has inhabited a body that was injured a particular way, or exposed to something that causes illness. For some reason, your soul carried that energy with it and has never fully healed. Consequently, with the help of your therapist, you can cut these ties and release the unwanted energy.

Fears and Anxiety

Throughout its experiences, your soul has probably run into a lot of pleasant, and unpleasant situations. In fact, it may be likely that you are carrying around the fear of a past life.

For example, maybe you were bit in the desert by a snake lifetimes ago. This could explain your current fear of snakes. Sometimes knowing the source can help rationalize what to do about it now.


Karma is reciprocating energy that follows us around, created by ourselves, until we have resolved the reason for it through learning our lesson.

With a PLR session, get to the root of karmic cycles that are affecting you today. Therefore, through this method, speeding up healing processes and breaking cycles, you can fast-track your way to a more simple and peaceful life.

Personal Interests

Not all past life energies are ones that will drag you down. For instance, you may want to discover a hobby that you will truly excel at.

Trough visiting past lives, you may be able to find a pattern between them. Learn what brings your soul joy and the things you are good at. Surely this could help develop new hobbies or careers.

Appeal to Certain Places

Some places feel like home upon arrival. This may not be a fluke.

In fact, your past lives might be telling you what sort of environments you are most used to living in and thriving. From the climate to the nature or the buildings surrounding you, your soul may be shouting “Home!”.

Parallel, this could hint at why you don’t feel comfortable in particular surroundings either.


In sum, past life regression therapy sessions can help you discover who you are in an entirely different way. Ultimately, setting up the path for your own personal growth and healing.

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