Releasing A Year’s Worth Of Tension With Craniosacral Therapy

December 19, 2022

About Me

My name is Jessica, and I’m a nurse…and a dancer. I’m 27 years old, and have spent the past several years working in the emergency room and on an ambulance while performing with a local dance company in my spare time. I’m usually pretty active – and pretty stressed. I love my life, but some days it feels like nonstop business. So much, that tension builds up so much that is difficult to unwind. And I want to share my experience with craniosacral therapy, which was a godsend in getting rid of my tension.

For as long as I can remember, all of my pent-up stress seems to store itself in my back and neck. Right under the base of my skull and between my shoulder blades. In college, I learned a bit about massage or fascial release techniques for stiffness, and even tried a few. They were certainly enjoyable, but it was never too long before my upper back was aching again. Nothing seemed to produce lasting results.

Discovering Craniosacral Therapy

Fast forwarding to a year after graduation, I had started taking dance classes again. This was after a long break as a way to cope with the stress of being an ER nurse. Movement has always been a great way to release emotional tension for me, but that in turn often led to even more soreness, compounding the aches and pains resulting from busy 12-hour shifts in the hospital spent almost entirely on my feet. One of my dance teachers was a licensed massage therapist and owned a massage studio. I noticed that one of her employees was certified in craniosacral therapy.

I’d already gone for a few massages at the studio, and while I really enjoyed getting a massage, I didn’t have the budget to keep up with it enough to see lasting results. I was really curious about craniosacral therapy after doing a bit of research on how to release tension, however, so I signed up to try it out and see if the effects would be any different from a typical massage. At this point, my whole neck and upper back area was constantly tight and sore, especially after I came home from work and tried to relax.

Experiencing First Hand

My experience is possibly a bit different from those just going to see a craniosacral practitioner, since I also got standard massage therapy out of the deal – but I did notice quite a bit of a difference with the addition of craniosacral therapy. Firstly, it was incredibly relaxing. “Spa days” weren’t really a thing for me growing up so I typically felt a bit uncomfortable during massage or bodywork treatments, but not so here. I was instantly at ease, and I think I actually fell asleep at one point! (This is actually a pretty common experience, based on what I’ve read and heard from others.)

The methods of touch my craniosacral therapist used during our session were incredibly soothing for my tension. She focused on slow, sustained motions and light pressures that were noticeable, but not overwhelming. That’s one thing I really appreciate about craniosacral therapy – it’s hands on, but very gentle. No tugging, pulling, or cracking like other bodywork modalities. It was easy to relax and feels the sensations I was experiencing instead of worrying about what was coming next.

Noticeable Results

I felt measurably better after the session. The ever-present tension in my neck and upper back had practically evaporated, and I almost felt lighter. It seemed like the effects of that specific treatment lasted much longer than any of the other massages I’d gotten. I also felt better mentally and emotionally. Having been able to genuinely disconnect from the worries of everyday life during the treatment, I was able to return to my day feeling refreshed and optimistic.

If you’re looking to start exploring different forms of bodywork, I’d recommend craniosacral therapy as a great place to start. It’s done while you’re fully clothed and doesn’t require a lot of big manipulations or moving around. This makes it much less intimidating. That coupled with the gentleness of the technique and its relaxational benefits makes it a great stepping off point for a bodywork journey!

Look for a certified craniosacral practitioner or a licensed massage or bodywork therapist with a craniosacral specialization. These are individuals who have had specialized training in craniosacral therapy. They will be able to work with your specific needs to develop a treatment plan that is tailored to you. Whether it becomes your go-to therapy or an occasional treat, it’s certainly worth a try!

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