How I Overcame Lyme Disease With Naturopathy

January 23, 2023

About me

I’m Shae. I wouldn’t be sitting here writing this article if it wasn’t for naturopathy who saved my life from Lyme disease.

You see, I have always been an adventurer. I am 29 years old, live in San Diego, and currently serve as an Active-Duty Sailor in the world’s greatest Navy. Since I turned 18, I have not spent more than three years in one town. I typically find my wanderlust getting the best of me, taking me all over the world, which landed me in Costa Rica to study abroad when I was 20 years old. I thought this would be the best experience of my 20s. Unfortunately, I stumbled upon the disease that would change my life forever.

Getting Lyme disease

I do not remember exactly when it happened, but during my four months traveling throughout Central America, I was surreptitiously bitten by a tick. It could have been when I was jumping from waterfalls in Puerto Viejo or walking the streets of Nicaragua. I frequently had bug bites all over my body, and I just chalked it up to what my mom always told me- that I have sweet blood from all the treats I eat. I did not know then that for the next six years, I would be in and out of doctors’ offices. That I would struggle to graduate college and stay awake during class. That I would lose every friend because I was always too tired to do anything.

It wasn’t until I started to faint during workouts and needed to sit every hour at work so I wouldn’t collapse that I noticed this was a serious problem. The fatigue took over my body and soul to the point that I when I fell asleep at night, I would wish that I would not wake up in the morning. It felt like I had ten bricks of cement attached to my feet and the weight of the world on my eyelids, keeping me in a constant state of fighting sleep. I started sleeping 12-15 hours per night and struggled to hold onto a job. It got to a point where I didn’t recognize who I was anymore.

Changing approach

After two years of feeling like this, I remember sitting in the allopathic doctor’s office with him holding a results list that looked a mile long. All he said was, “It seems you have chronic fatigue syndrome. Maybe try meditation and don’t overdo it.” I was utterly floored. I knew in my heart this was NOT the answer. He sent me home that day with some B12 vitamins and told me to get more sleep. This is where I gave up. I had tried sleep studies, hormone tests, you name it. It felt like I was slowly dying inside, and no one could figure it out.

My mom knew I was sick, so she drove the 2 hours South where I was living. When she took one look at me, she almost started to cry. Her exact words were, “You look so peeked. We have GOT to find the answer to why you feel like this. I am setting you up with my naturopathic doctor back home, and you can move in with us while we figure this out.” My mom saved me that day without even knowing it. The following week, I met the person who finally gave me hope, my naturopathic doctor, the one who refused to give up on me when every other doctor had.

Naturopathic doctor

It was a consistent two years of a strict schedule of vitamins, tinctures, potions, and every type of modality available. Healing my Lyme disease became a full-time job and put my mother and myself into debt. But she did not care; she wanted her daughter to have light in her eyes again. Some treatments required me to step outside my comfort zone. I had to get Colonics at least 2-3 times per week. Colonics is a procedure where the doctor inserts a tube into the colon through the buttock and flushes the body out with water to help get rid of all the fecal matter and toxins caused by the die-off of the disease.

I was tested for food sensitivities and found out I was intolerant to many staple foods. My social life diminished because I had to be in bed by 7 pm every night to get enough rest.

Out of the woods

After two years of a disciplined regimen, I finally felt like myself again. Lyme disease is tricky because it loves to mutate and change shape. You have to be constantly on your toes, adjusting your treatment protocol. When you think you have it beat, it can come back with a vengeance. But I am happy to say that I am currently in remission and feeling great. Naturopathy was most definitely the key to overcoming Lyme disease. I am so grateful to my mother and naturopathic doctor for their unwavering support and love during my battle with this disease. I would not have been able to make it without them.

If you or someone you know has Lyme disease, tell them to try naturopathy and encourage them to find a naturopathic doctor who specializes in curing this disease. If it weren’t for my doctor, I would not currently be capable of experiencing this beautiful life. Just know that it is an uphill battle, but you CAN make it. Allow your body the space and time to heal, listen to what you need, and get as much support from loved ones as you can.  

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