Achieving Personal Growth Through Kundalini Yoga

January 16, 2023

About Me

We are in a time of rapid and profound transformations. It is a process of awakening that has no turning back, and that is leading us to a new era for which, whether we want to or not, we must prepare ourselves. Many of us feel the call, but only some heed it and stay on the path. I consider Kundalini Yoga an ideal piece to propel that growth, and here is my testimony.

I am a 30 year old Piscean, living in Venezuela, I am a psychologist and try to live as healthy as possible. In a previous post I told the initial part of my story of healing and awakening, which began in my adolescence. A considerably early age.

My Early Journey

To make a brief mention, that first stage of my process, marked by psychotherapy, crystal therapy and guided meditation sessions, took me from being a child with a picture of deep isolation and disconnection with my emotional world, to a much more empathic and intuitive young man. I abandoned the consumption of meats, and developed a basic awareness of the subtle dimensions of the self.

However, it was not possible to continue going to psychotherapy with that professional. Besides, I believe that when this process starts so early, the main purpose becomes not only to heal. It is also like a preparatory that gives you the resources to fulfill a great mission from a higher consciousness.

In my case, despite my previous important progress and youth, I still kept traces of shyness and health problems. Also, ignorance of the true essence of the human being and the times ahead. I valued my physical body and its emotional wisdom, but I still maintained many habits based on the ‘old’ paradigms.

Discovering Yoga

At the age of 21, I experienced for the first time Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. My first classes were in special modules of a program called ‘Yoga Medicinal’ (Medicinal Yoga in English), which integrates Kundalini Yoga with the scientific advances of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI). A year later, I started attending regular classes and along with it, performing Sadhana (daily yogic practice at home).

Admittedly, the saying goes that 1 year of Kundalini Yoga practice is equivalent to 10 years of conventional Hatha Yoga practice. I hope this saying does not sound arrogant or uncomfortable, it is simply true. It is not that it is difficult at the level of physical or meditative ability, which is the fear of many. Kundalini Yoga challenges because it takes you to a process of awakening that, while not abrupt, is confrontational and faster than others. That is why few people sustain themselves in the constant practice of this technology for more than 1 year. And generally, those who do, it is because they have already practiced another yogic discipline or lived a process of personal awakening.

Yoga As A Lifestyle

They were 3 years of intense and disciplined practice plus study, since I kept combining the kundalini yoga classes with the modules of psychoneuroimmunology that integrated this technology, plus the exercise of my recently completed psychology career. To this must be added my Sadhana, as I practiced routines at home EVERY DAY during those years.

In addition, with medical supervision from my teacher, I further deepened my lifestyle changes, excluding from my routine -and to this day- the consumption of sausages, gluten, dairy, cereals and other allergens, as well as any processed food. These 3 intense years culminated with my teacher training as a certified Kundalini Yoga Level I instructor in 2014.

After this stage, I did not leave Kundalini Yoga or Medicinal Yoga, as I still maintain the lifestyle and recurring practice of the technology. However, life pushed me to explore other paths and complement my evolution with different experiences.

A Life Changing Practice

To this day, its traces are still present. Apart from the recurrent practice of Kundalini Yoga and occasional classes I teach, I can summarize my growth in the following effects and lessons:

  • My mental performance and physical vitality increased notoriously. I attribute this to the abandonment of gluten, processed foods, and other allergens. I was never a vegetarian, despite my yoga practice. I maintained the consumption of fish and poultry).
  • My interoceptivity (ability to listen to the body and the cause of my emotions) was sharpened.
  • Knowledge of various yogic and natural remedies. This in an effort to make synthetic pharmaceuticals the exception rather than the rule (for me or my patients).
  • Overcoming remnants of depression and low self-esteem that had remained from my previous stage of psychotherapy.
  • A deeper understanding of the evolutionary process of consciousness we live in today. Also, the opportunities and challenges of the new era.
  • Deeper knowledge of the multidimensional reality of the human being. Equally important, the need of reconnecting with our cosmic identity, and embody it.

In summary, I invite others to practice technologies such as Kundalini Yoga to achieve this growth. In particular, those who have already gone through some healing process and need to move on to a new stage. Not for ambitions of being ‘superior’, but to understand and become one of the co-creators of this new planetary era.

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