How Herbalism Helped Me Regulate My Menstruation

November 28, 2022

About Me

My name is Gabriella, I am a 22 year old from California living in Antigua, Guatemala. Currently I am a remote student and a volunteer for various animal rescues around Guatemala. I enjoy spending my time traveling and exploring nature. As as kid, I was sick a lot and struggled with major anxiety. I had allergies, asthma, chronic infections, and eczema and was on a lot of antibiotics and steroids. Though I was introduced to herbalism at a young age from my British side of the family, I did not grow up in a household where it was the first choice of treatment. I started choosing herbalism as my main treatment when I was 17 struggling with menstruation issues. I grew up in the Bay Area where alternative medicine was widely available, so I was lucky to find local herbalists and naturopaths.

Anxiety and Menstrual Issues

From a young age I remember having anxiety, panic attacks and struggles to feel at ease. After my Grandmother passed away when I was 9 these feelings peaked. I remember not being able to fall asleep and having the worst panic attacks of my life. One of the few things that would relax me was chamomile tea and lavender infused baths. This was a huge realization for me as a kid, I remember thinking “wow I can actually feel better after consuming a plant”.

From then on I started using chamomile and lavender for anxiety issues. As I got older my anxiety got better. Sometimes I struggle with not being able to sleep because of anxiety, I have incorporated some “stronger” herbs into my regime. Another huge way herbalism have benefited me is with my menstruation. When I was 17 I struggled with getting my period back after ending birth control. I decided to try working with an Herbalist and she got my period back within a few months with the help of maca and red raspberry leaf.

Working with an Herbalist

Originally I honestly did not try much for my anxiety, I do not think my parents knew how to deal with a young child with anxiety. As I got older I turned to drugs to ease my anxiety which was only a temporary fix. I decided to go to an herbalist because I wanted to stop putting a bandaid over my health issues. I would go to the doctor for period cramps and an irregular period and most of the time I was suggested to go on birth control. This was not finding the root cause of my issues. My herbalist made me feel seen and understood. She was amazing, her office was right down the street from my house. I would pass her office’s sign everyday and one day I decided to take my health into my own hands and scheduled an appointment.

Treatment Journey

When I first stepped into my herbalists office I was nervous and excited. She greeted me with a warm smile and handshake and the journey began. I had just stopped taking the birth control pill and had just ended a toxic relationship. I was a hormonal and emotional mess. The first thing she gave to me was a flower essence of white chestnut to help with my anxiety and mind chatter, and she told me to consume rose to center my heart. A few days later my emotional state had improved. I found a tulsi rose tea that became my everything! With some honey and warm water my anxiety began to melt and my heart felt at ease.

After this we started working on regulating my period, she suggested I start working with maca and red raspberry leaf. This in combination with regular acupuncture my period had returned in 3 months. The results blew me away, I felt free and in control of my health and body. Though not all parts were rainbows and butterflies. It can get ugly when people start attacking your health choices or try to convince you alternative routes are useless. I had to and still have to deal with people who question my health choices, which can get tiring. The fact of the matter is that herbalism helped me with my menstruation disorders. To this day I use and even study herbs, they are my allies and friends.

Final words

If I were to give advice to those interested in working with herbalism, I would suggest just start exploring. Begin with using herbs in the kitchen, get a book, or take a class. There are so many forms of herbalism and it is one of the oldest forms of healing. It has helped me in so many ways. I hope it can help you too.

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