Healing Trauma Using Craniosacral Quantum Healing

September 9, 2020


Craniosacral therapy is a gentle manual therapy with profound healing benefits. It is a subtle therapy because it helps treat various conditions ranging from physical, mental to spiritual. It directly effects the circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid which surrounds and cushions the brain and spinal cord. Likewise, it regulates the nervous system to resolve stress and trauma.

The client lays on a massage table, fully-clothed and the practitioner’s touch is light and still. Through acute perceptions skills we observe physiological changes. We sense the rhythms and patterns of blockage or inertia and identify where issues reside. Through light touch hand positions, we release trapped forces and heal fragmentation of the body and mind. We allow the inherent health and the body intelligence of the client to guide us through the session.

Some history of craniosacral therapy

Craniosacral Therapy originated with the discoveries of osteopath William Garner Sutherland (1873-1954) who became fascinated with the bones of the cranium. When he was at the bed of a dying man in pain, he witnessed the depth of stillness that arose as the spirit of the man left his body. He later coined this expression the “Breath of Life”. From there his biomechanical approach moved to a more holistic one where the practitioner uses no force outside the client’s body. Another osteopath in the 1970s, Dr. John Upledger, made craniosacral therapy extremely popular. In 1975, Franklin Sills coined the term Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy through his relationship with Dr. Randolph Stone. Dr. Stone was a chiropractor who discovered a system called Polarity Therapy which focuses on the energy forces of the human body.

Through my practice of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, I have been able to use this approach in a long-distance format. Even if the client is not in the room, we can still connect at a distance. In this time of the pandemic, I have worked with various practitioners from all over the globe. In fact, I have received many distant sessions in modalities that have included Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Osteopathic and Energy Healing. That is why I call this Craniosacral Quantum Healing as therapeutic skills are related to in the quantum field as energy travels beyond time and space. I would distinguish it from Reiki in that there is no sending of energy but rather allowing for the field to restore health.

craniosacral therapy

Helping Dianna

Dianna is young woman from Brazil who suffered from deep trauma from an experience of verbal, physical and sexual abuse in early childhood. She had been carrying guilt and shame and had shut down her body and became dissociative and unable to feel and was numb. Her vibrant spirit had been down for a long time, and a recent trauma had reignited the earlier one. She felt she’d lost her will to survive and was unable to keep her heart open and mind free. We spoke on a video call and she was able to realize that her pain could be let go of and she no longer had to suffer.

Thorough our long-distant session, she was able to be seen and heard, and a trust was formed. She was willing to process the release of the traumatic imprint implanted in her body and mind. Through the discovery of places of strength, comfort and safety in her body, she discovered her own sense of power. We went to this place of power and imagined sending this force to the weaker areas of her body. She realized in the session important teachers and family who she had previously turned away. In the session, she felt they were telling her that they were still present in her life for continuous support.

On a path to a better place

I was honored to be of service to Dianna and to see how her own body’s wisdom became open to receive and make her well again. I offered words of encouragement. There were moments of silence. When checking in with her, she explained how at first her body felt out of touch and lifeless and now she felt as though the energy switch came back on, vibrating once again to a healthy frequency. She later said she felt relaxed and rejuvenated. We continue to work together as the trauma unravels even more, and each time we make strides to keep evolving.

Dawn Sofia

Licensed Massage Therapist, Craniosacral Therapist and Quantum Energy Healer

New York, NY


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