Battling Cancer With Energy: A Journey Of Healing And Hope

July 17, 2023

About My Mother

My name is Tristan. I’m a twenty-four-year-old restaurant manager in a small Southern Indiana town and the service industry is all I’ve known as far as occupations go. Until recent years, I was completely unfamiliar with the concept of any sort of intermingling with the spirit realm. Life had always been a bit of an unkind nature for myself and my mother, and we struggled uphill every day to keep a good head about it. My mother battled with cancer and I want to share how energy healing was a magical tool for us.

Our relationship was one I am very proud of. My best friend, I was never afraid to share anything with her, no matter what, because I knew she would always understand and support me in any and everything I did. Eventually she began to experience a pain in her stomach every time she would eat but it would always pass. Because of this, she never went to the doctor. My mother was very much a “let me heal it on my own” kind of person who believed whole-heartedly in holistic medicine and the power of nature. However, this time having been for three years, we felt we needed to seek help.

Diagnosing Cancer

When her doctor gave her the diagnosis, she had twenty-two gallstones, an infection, and gangrene of the gallbladder. We found out later that there was also a mass of unknown nature that was cancerous. Waiting patiently, we finally received an update on the removal. Her cancer had metastasized in her liver, and she had eighteen months to live. When you’re in that situation, you go for anything.

We swapped her diet, we tried medicines from all across the internet. I asked her how she felt about her cancer, eventually. She’d say, “I’m not going out like that.” She believed whole-heartedly that it wouldn’t kill her, but that we wouldn’t be able to cure it. I asked her, “Why?” I read her stories of people diagnosed with terminal cancer and how they overcame it. “I never thought about it like that”, she said, and the next scan, the tumors were shrinking. A shift in her mentality gave her body the capacity to combat the cancer.

An infection in her stomach and a rushed operation made her cancer spread like wildfire. I took matters into my own hands and learned from a Wiccan practitioner how to channel my energy from my heart and my breath into my hands and form it into the shape of an orb, and channel the sun to shift the color into a warm, healing gold. I performed one session on one of my mother’s external tumors for thirty-five minutes. It shrunk down to looking effectively like a skin tag overnight. When she showed me the next day, I burst into tears. She was always adamant that she could feel me, and said, “It’s like I can feel your love coursing through me.” After every session she would attest that her excruciating pain was eased. It was almost as if my energy helped with the healing of the cancer symptoms.

Tapping Into Energy

Our fight got longer. Harder. What the doctors kept trying only ever seemed to make things worse. Through TikTok, I learned about “light language” and “quantum weaving”. I watched several videos to teach myself the way, and I held one session while my mother was asleep, and at once, I had a vision of her quantum self, stacked on top of herself. It looked as if I was seeing every feasible reality at that moment.

I saw her in various stages of health in the same sleeping position and the strings of light that connect all things. I grasped the threads and attempted to weave together what I perceived to be the healthiest version of herself and her current self, and when I was finished, she was awake. She said she had felt something that woke her up, then noticed I was speaking, but she couldn’t understand me. I had been unknowingly articulating the language of light during my practice.

Not A Lost Fight

In the end, I’ll never say my mother “lost” her fight with cancer, because after having not spoken for days, her final words when she saw me were “I love you too”. She waited to go until she was good and ready. She believed she was going to win until the very bitter end, and the battle ended on her terms, so that makes her the victor. If you are fighting that dragon known as cancer, have faith in our capacity as humans to manipulate the energies and forces around us through diet, focus, breathing, and mentality.

Energy healing allowed me to ease my mother’s pain, and, for a moment, destroy the cancer in her body. I think often, had I only started sooner, that we never would have needed any of the doctors. So know that you, too, can heal yourself and those around you with your energy. To this day, I use my power to calm the maelstrom in others’ minds, soothe their energy, and provide love. Just as my mother always intended for me.

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