Three Universal Laws To Live By For Ending Karmic Cycles

March 17, 2022

Do you feel like you get stuck in the same patterns and experience the same hardships? You may be experiencing Karmic Cycles.

Karmic Cycles are patterns in our lives that come up when we do not follow the Universal Laws. These patterns, or karma, have manifested from past lives and continue to reappear in our current ones. This is known as Karmic Debt. But, we can use these Universal Laws to clear up our debt and end cycles.

With this article get an inside look at what experiences in your life might be karma, while picking up a few Universal Laws to start practicing now to end karmic cycles.

Karmic Cycles

A Karmic Cycle may develop because we have lived selfishly causing harm to others or we are living out of alignment with our true soul’s purpose. The purpose of each repeating cycle is to teach us a lesson until we learn it and break free of the pattern.

Identifying a Karmic Cycle

Karmic cycles slip into our lives unexpectedly. Here are some red flags that may indicate you’re in a karmic cycle.

  • You’re Feeling Triggered

 The same thing keeps making you upset or angry. Why is that?

  • Relationships always playing out the same

Do you keep dating narcissists? Maybe you feel you’re being toxic toward your partner?

  • Forced into tough situations

Hard times come with hard lessons.

What Are Universal Laws?

Simply put, Universal Laws are the rules of the Universe that apply to everyone. There are many Universal Laws for various divisions of our lives, with Manifestation being one of the most popular thanks to the Law of Attraction.

These laws of the Universe give every vibrational being on earth an equal ruling in life. Therefore we are all given equal opportunity to live our happiest and most abundant lives, simply by following these rules.

Laws of Karma

The Laws of Karma are in place to help us learn and break free of patterns that hold us back in life. After all, we are here to learn and experience this earthly life, until we find a way to liberation, through breaking all of our karmic cycles and ending suffering.

In total, there are 12 Laws of Karma. Some of these laws help explain why Karma happens. Here we are going to cover 3 laws that you can start living by now to end karmic cycles.

Law of Humility

The law of Humility is a great place to start for ending cycles. With this law you need to shift your thoughts to be in a place of acceptance with the present. In other words, living with this law means without blame you accept where you are in life.

Law of Responsibility

Once you have mastered humility, it is easy to practice the Law of Responsibility. We cannot be pointing blame towards others. At some level there is our own responsibility to be taken, while they may be in their own karmic cycle. This will help us have better clarity in the future when faced with similar situations.

Law of Giving and Hospitality

When you’re ready to take action with your new mind set, you can carry out the Law of Giving and Hospitality. This is when you take action in the physical world through acts of kindness towards others. This way you can embody your truth, and in turn receive the good that is meant for you.


Practicing each law makes the next easier to understand. When following these Laws of Karma, you end karmic cycles as you begin to realize that your actions have consequences. Existing from a place of love and acceptance is the true way to a peaceful life, free of karma.

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