Shamanism: A Healing Practice for the Modern World

May 25, 2023

Shamanism is an ancient healing practice used by indigenous cultures for thousands of years. It is a practice that involves connecting with nature and spirits for healing and personal growth.

Although shamanism has been around for centuries, it is still relevant to the modern world. In this blog, we’ll explore the basics of shamanism, its core beliefs and practices, and how it can be incorporated into everyday life.

Core Beliefs and Practices of Shamanism

Shamanic healing is an ancient practice that involves connecting with the spiritual realm to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. It is based on the belief that all living things are connected and everything has a spirit or energy. Shamanic healers use various techniques to communicate with the spiritual realm and to receive guidance and healing.

Some of the core beliefs and practices of shamanism include;

  • Respect for everything around us
  • Recognition that everything is interrelated and interdependent
  • All things have a spiritual component.

The Shaman is the person who acts as a mediator between the spiritual and physical realms. They can communicate directly with spirits, including those associated with plants, animals, and other natural phenomena.

The Shaman uses rituals and ceremonies to connect with the spirits. These rituals involve the use of drumming, chanting, and dancing. The Shaman also uses various tools such as crystals, feathers, and herbs to help facilitate the healing process. In shamanism, it is believed that the natural world holds the key to recovery and that by connecting with nature, we can access its healing power.

Shamanic Healing Practice

Recently, shamanic healing has gained popularity as a holistic approach to healing. It is seen as promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Shamanic healers use various techniques to connect with the spiritual realm and to receive guidance and healing.

One of the critical techniques used in shamanic healing is journeying. This involves entering a trance-like state and connecting with the spiritual realm to receive guidance and healing. Shamanic healers may use drums, rattles, or other tools to help facilitate the journeying process. During the journey, the individual may encounter spiritual guides, power animals, or ancestors who provide guidance and healing.

Soul retrieval is another technique in shamanic healing. It is based on the belief that when individuals experience trauma or emotional distress, a part of their soul may become lost or fragmented. Shamanic healers use journeying to connect with the lost soul part and bring it back to the individual. This can help the individual to feel more whole and complete.

Power animal retrieval is another technique in shamanic healing. It involves connecting with animal spirits for guidance and support. Shamanic healers may help individuals connect with their power animal, an animal spirit representing the individual’s strengths and qualities. Connecting with a powerful animal can provide guidance, protection, and support.

Extraction is a technique in shamanic healing to remove negative energies or entities from the body. Shamanic healers use journeying to connect with the negative energy or entity and remove it from the individual’s body. This can help to promote physical and emotional healing.

Is Shamanism common today?

In recent years, shamanism has also gained popularity in the Western world. Many people are turning to shamanic healing practices to deal with physical and emotional issues that traditional medicine may not be able to address. Some people even incorporate shamanic practices into their daily lives, such as through meditation, drumming, or spending time in nature.


Shamanism is an ancient healing practice still relevant in the modern world. It has benefits for physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It is also a way of connecting with the spiritual realm and nature. While there are criticisms and misconceptions of shamanism, it is a practice that has stood the test of time. It can be a valuable tool for those seeking to improve their well-being. Connecting with nature and the spiritual realm allows us to access its healing power and find personal growth and transformation.

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