Prevention Of Shoulder Surgery By Remedial Massage

September 12, 2022

Remedial massage is a broad term used to describe various manual techniques such myotherapy that focuses on the muscles, fascial therapy that is all about the connective tissue, neurotherapy creates neurological stimulation and feedback, lymphatic massage also known as lymphatic drainage for a well-functioning lymphatic system. Each one of these techniques can be combined to create a personalised treatment plan. Through massage you can address a variety of conditions, including persistent shoulder pain, which I’ll talk about in this article. If you ask me, that is the main difference between relaxation massage and remedial massage. The detailed diagnosis and a rehab plan that suits the individual.

A bit about me

My name is Valery Topaz and I’m a therapist from birth. Choosing my first professional course wasn’t too hard cause it had to be manual and so I chose remedial massage. Little did I know that this was just the beginning of an existing journey of exploration and research. Every passionate therapist will tell you that constant learning is a big part of their lives.

Nowadays as a structural integrator I focus mainly on my clients’ alignment and biomechanics, providing postural and movement analysis and together we structure our way towards mutually set goals.

Mario’s shoulder

Mario didn’t call me. His wife did. She saw his despair after his visit to the orthopedic surgeon. Inflammation in the rotator cuff, tears in the muscles and ligaments, no hope. Must operate now. Recovery will be long, results are unknown. Mario is a busy freelance IT guy as well as a proud dad of three. This gloomy scenario was not what he was hoping for, especially when there was nothing to blame it on. No accidents or sports traumas, just life.

His wife reached out and just said “fix him”.

The juicy details

Mario arrived early in the morning, armed with a shy smile, his scans and doctors reports.

We went into my office and looked at all the data. Mario, 42, pain in right RC, tears, inflammation. This was the only thing that Mario ever heard and associated with his pain. A lot of you know that from personal experience. Whenever you have pain and a scan shows a tear- it’s the tear’s fault. Scar tissue? Yup. Inflammation? Sure is the reason for all of your issues in life. The question of whether it’s pathological or even relevant is, well, irrelevant.

Mario and I put the documents on the table and talked. He described his work station in detail. Next, I asked Mario to undress and stand up to check his alignment. And guess what? The classic office worker body alignment. Forward head posture, rounded shoulders, flattened low back arch and super weak glute muscles. A chair shaped man. He was using the computer mouse with his right hand every day for around 12 hours a day.

I asked Mario to lie down on the treatment table and breathe. My hands were on his chest, for the feedback. He started to let go of the tension in his body. My tests included palpation of muscles, gentle stretches to evaluate tension in the fascial layers and gentle lymphatic tests.

My treatment was all focused on opening up the restricted fascia around the pect and lat muscles with a bit of Myotherapy at the end and of course, lots of movement.

90 minutes after Mario was pain free and full of hope. The massage went straight into the core of the issue that caused the shoulder pain.

A new dawn

Mario received a few tips on how to set up his environment in a more healthy way that will encourage movement throughout the day and a couple of stretches. Life hacks if you wish.

A month later when we met for the evaluation of his shoulder, Mario said that the massage treatment changed his life completely. The understanding of what caused the condition, the doctor’s focus, my explanations and the results made him take back the responsibility over his own health.

Now that’s what I call success.

Valery Topaz- ValTherapy Manual Therapy, Melbourne, Australia

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