How Reiki Helped Me In My Healing Journey

August 21, 2023

A Bit About Me

My name is Samantha, and I am 37 years old. I live in the mountains of northwestern Pennsylvania and work as a freelance writer. I would like to share my experience with reiki and how helpful it has been in my healing journey. A few years ago, a last-minute decision to join a mediumship development circle changed my life by opening up an entire world I knew existed but had no idea how to access.

That night sparked the beginning of my passion for metaphysical and holistic healing practices. I’ve learned about crystals and medicinal herbs, received incredible messages during tarot and mediumship readings, undergone shamanic healings, and made float therapy part of my monthly routine.

What’s helped me the most, though, is reiki. In addition to helping me manage my anxiety, it eases the chronic back pain I experience due to multiple herniated discs and spinal arthritis. It’s a powerful part of my life, and I look forward to every session.

How It Started

When writing short stories as a kid, I never realized I was practicing for my future career. By the time I graduated high school, I thought I’d be spending my days traveling the world as a photographer.

The Universe had other plans, as it often does.

I attended Point Park University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and quickly learned that college life was not for me. Fitting in felt impossible as I battled then-undiagnosed generalized and social anxiety (along with depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and borderline personality disorder). I transferred to a smaller school closer to home, then tried a couple of online schools.

Academically, I did great. But mentally and socially… Not so much.

Believing there was something “wrong” with me, I gave up and resigned to a life of poverty with my (now ex) husband. My anxiety made it impossible for me to work a “normal” job, so I started freelance writing to help make ends meet. My mental health continued to deteriorate, and I developed chronic back pain.

Eventually, I got help, became a more functional human, and survived my ex leaving. But despite therapy, antidepressants, and anti-anxiety and pain medications, I still felt I wasn’t living life to the fullest. And that’s when reiki and other practices became part of my life.

My Reiki Healing Journey

The development group I attended met in a natural store in my hometown. I’d been there before, but once I joined the group, I found myself there more and more frequently. The then-owner performed and taught reiki. She invited me to attend a class one night, so her students could practice on me. Curious about energy healing, I agreed. Afterward, I was hooked. I booked an appointment with the owner and haven’t looked back.

She has since retired—leaving the store to a new owner who has become a close friend. As luck would have it, another reiki practitioner started providing her services even closer to my home. Living in a rural area, being able to receive reiki less than a mile from my house is amazing! Thanks to her proximity and the connection I immediately felt with her, I’ve gotten into a regular routine and schedule sessions regularly.

One of the fundamental principles of reiki is that it helps to balance and harmonize the body’s energy system. Reiki aims to dissolve these blockages, promoting the free flow of energy throughout the body and easing physical and emotional pain.

During my reiki sessions, I sense subtle shifts occurring within me. As my practitioner works on different areas, I experience a deep sense of relaxation. I feel gentle warmth and the sensation of pain and anxiety melting away. Sometimes, I even receive messages from passed loved ones and the universe while in this state of relaxation. It is as if the stagnant energy trapped inside me is being gently released, creating space for healing and transformation during every session.

Where I Am Now

A few years into my reiki journey, I am thriving—especially when compared to where I started—and my symptoms are much more manageable. I run a successful content writing business from home and enjoy a peaceful, quiet life with my pets. I’m in a stable relationship with my fiance and feel more like “me” than ever.

In addition to soothing emotional and physical pain, reiki healing has helped me gain the confidence to be my authentic self and pursue things I enjoy. I even took the plunge and became a certified reiki practitioner. While I’ve only given reiki to myself and my fiance so far, it’s incredible knowing that I have the energy needed to help others using nothing more than my hands.

What’s next?

I’m not sure. But I know that reiki will play an ongoing role in my healing journey.

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