Healing Through Shamanic Reiki

October 17, 2022

What is Shamanic Reiki?

Shamanic Reiki is the blending of Reiki and Shamanic practices to bring about significant healing for clients. Reiki is the channeling of universal and intelligent energy that works to heal and balance the energy within us. It intuitively aligns to areas in need of healing within the body, mind, and spirit. Shamanism is the oldest form of spirituality dating back thousands of years and it is present in all parts of the world. Essentially, it involves the practice of connecting to the natural world with the belief there is an energetic consciousness to all things.

A Shaman, or Shamanic Practitioner, connects with this consciousness through spiritual journeys. Through this connection, healing often includes journeys to heal trauma to the soul and energetic connections that do not positively serve us. Shamanic Reiki is the practice of connecting to the greater consciousness and using this guidance to cast a light on what needs healing while applying Reiki to the body, concentrating on the area in need of healing. This work is equally effective in person or distantly.

My Journey

My path as a practitioner began 20 years ago at the passing of my daughter. During a routine ultrasound, I learned she was going to die upon birth due to a chromosomal defect. In searching for a miracle, I found “hands on” healing at a local church. There I learned how healing travels through the act of Divine energy and intention. Although my daughter still died, I witnessed many miracles and things I couldn’t explain. 15 years later, I was again shown the doorway to healing when I went through a traumatic experience relating to my work life. It was then I was introduced to Reiki healing.

Some say one doesn’t find Reiki, Reiki finds you; I believe this to be true. Reiki healing changed my life. My path eventually diverged to Shamanism which led me to the desire to be a conduit to heal others. It is an honor to meet people and to witness the healing work in the lives of my clients.

Sue’s Healing Through Shamanic Reiki

Sue is a client who originally sought Reiki out of curiosity. Her intention was to gain a sense of calm and relaxation, which she received. Shortly after we started working together, she went through a problem that sent her into crisis mode. The issue brought up deep seeded feelings of self-loathing and doubt.

Because we could not meet in person, we did a distance Shamanic Reiki session. While journeying, Spirit indicated where to send Reiki energy on her body. I also felt where an essence of her soul that needed healing and retrieving. I saw an image of her as a child, hiding in her bedroom, with an essence of her soul taking flight. She had been sexually abused. I cleansed her essence and sent back to her as she was now ready to reintegrate a part of herself that went missing. In addition to this message, Spirit clearly indicated she needed counseling in addition to continued self-care.

While she and I discussed what had been shown and healed during the journey, she felt encouraged to finally work through what had been hidden for so long. Because healing often works in layers, it is no surprise this work took time to bubble up to the surface and that it took a crisis to reveal the root of her self-loathing. Spirit works with us where we are and will give us the tools we need if we allow for it.


Today, my client continues to do the work needed for her complete healing. Using Shamanic Reiki supported and focused the type of healing my client needed. And even further, it got to the heart of a lifelong issue. I feel it is always best to follow our intuition and do what’s best for us. This client was open to all forms of healing and is now on the road to a better life.

Dr. Kelly R Krause


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