5 Signs Of Nutrient Deficiency

July 28, 2022

You’re body has numerous ways to tell you when you’re not getting enough nutrients. This is called a nutrient deficiency or nutritional deficiency. Now, this doesn’t happen after a weekend of take-out and treats. Signs of nutrient deficiency are a slow development and may be caused from improper diet over a course of weeks or more. Sometimes, t can be a result of a malfunction in the body’s organs.

Here we have compiled a list of the top signs to watch out for with your body that may be pointing to nutrient deficiency. As well, we have shared some holistic and alternative paths to healing these deficiencies.


One of the biggest signs of nutrient deficiency is fatigue. This is the heavy exhaustion you may experience throughout the day that does not shake no matter how many naps you take or how well you sleep at night.

It is a side effect that pairs with a number of missing essential vitamins and minerals.

This includes:

  • Vitamin b12 (aids in metabolism of energy)
  • Iron (produces hemoglobin for red blood cells)
  • Vitamin D (we need this to absorb other vitamins and minerals)

Hair loss

Hair is made up of protein chains. So, it can almost go without saying that your hair is a reflection of your protein intake. If you are losing many strands of hair when combing or washing, it’s time to check in with your diet.

For our bodies to create protein, we need to consume protein from other sources that can then break down in our body, and be reconstructed into the right protein chains for our needs. Good sources are lean meats such as chicken or fish, as well as tofu and legumes for vegetarian diets.

Dry Skin

Dry skin manifests in a few ways. It may show as dry patches in places like the elbows, eczema, or dandruff. Sometimes creams and conditioners can only help so much.

Not enough of vitamins A, B, and D, as well as the mineral zinc can cause flare ups of dry skin and disruptions in oil production. If untreated it may lead to further complications like cracked skin or acne.

Brittle or Weak Nails

Your nails can say a lot about your health. There are various vitamins and protein deficiencies that will reflect on your finger nails. Brittle nails look like frequent chipping or splitting, and are usually paired with a discoloration of the nail bed.

The biggest culprit to this problem is iron deficiency, also known as anemia.

It could also be a reflection of the availability of vitamins A, C or D.

Loose Stool

Do you experience loose stool, even when you aren’t sick? A soft or liquid stool can tell you that you are not properly absorbing your nutrients. When we don’t have enough or the right kinds of bacteria in our gut, you cannot properly break down vitamins and minerals for absorption into your body.

This would be an instance where you may think that your diet isn’t the problem. However, there are certains foods we can incorporate, such as yogurt, kefir, and other cultured or fermented foods. These types of food provide us with enough good bacteria to break down food, making the nutrients available to us.

Who Can Help?

Thankfully there are plenty of routes to get your nutrition back on track. You definitely can consult a doctor who may have some insight for medications, or refer you to a nutritionist.

However, alternative medicine fields can be extremely beneficial, focusing on the big picture of your health.

The most obvious would be to visit a holistic nutritionist, who can assess your current health and lifestyle, and together make a plan for your goals. Their approach includes shopping for the right ingredients, going organic as much as possible, and incorporating a mindful approach to your shopping and meal times.

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