5 Facts About Alternative Medicine That You Didn’t Know

October 27, 2022

Alternative medicine is a broad term that encompasses many types of treatments and therapies. These treatments and therapies are not considered part of conventional Western medicine but they are still used in many countries around the world. Alternative medicine can include therapies like acupuncture, homeopathy, naturopathy, osteopathy, ayurveda, and herbal medicine among others. This article will provide you with some facts about alternative medicine that you may not have known before.

What Is Alternative Medicine?

Alternative medicine is a broad term that encompasses therapies and practices that are not considered part of conventional Western medicine. Alternative medical treatments are used in place of or alongside conventional medical treatment. They may focus on one or more of the following:

  • Treating the underlying cause of a disease or condition instead of its symptoms
  • Using natural remedies instead of synthetic medications
  • Helping the body heal itself by boosting immune function

5 Facts About Alternative Medicine You Should Know About

Alternative medicine is growing in popularity with the rise of the anti-vax movement and sustainable practices.

However, there are many unknown factors to consider before swapping your traditional therapy for an alternative one. Here are 5 facts you should know about alternative medicine:

1. You Should Work Alongside A Practitioner

Standard medical care is based on the FDA’s approval of drugs and treatments. There are strict regulations to ensure that medications are safe and effective, including a maximum dosage.

However, alternative medicine is often used without such guidelines. Some herbs can be toxic at high doses while others have no known lethal dose limit.

In addition, you should not consume herbal medicine without proper research. This is especially true if you’re considering applying it directly to your skin or consuming it as teas and tinctures.

2. Alternative Medicine Is on the Rise

It’s no doubt that medicine can be expensive so people will naturally find a way to save money in nany way they can. This has led to the popularity of alternative medicine which is often more affordable than conventional medical care.

Nowadays, people are most likely to take a steam bath or an herbal remedy for common colds. While this may be relatively safe, some people have taken extreme measures such as turning to CBD therapy in place of chemo or radiation therapy.

3. Alternative Medicine Can Be Used To Treat Multiple Ailments

Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) can help cure common ailments like allergies and the flu by taking herbal remedies or steam baths to alleviate their symptoms.

Light massages also help with pain relief and more severe conditions like arthritis and chronic inflammation of the joints.

4. Alternative Medicine Is Not A Cure-All Option And It Should Work With Conventional Medicine

According to a survey, there is alarming evidence that most people believe that alternative therapy alone can cure cancer, for example. It is a worrying trend as it can lead to patients delaying life-saving treatment, increasing their chances of succumbing to the disease.

5. Some Natural Alternative Medicine Have Deep Roots and Medical Backing

Although traditional and alternative medicine differ, some natural medicines have medical backing. While some take inspiration from ancient traditions, others developed medical alternatives inspired by ancient Greek practices in:

The Bottom Line: Opt for Integrative Medicine

Integrative medicine improves your health and wellness by combining alternative practices with standard medical procedures. For instance, after surgery, your doctor may suggest a pain-relieving bath or light exercise to help ease discomfort. Nevertheless, it is best to use or consume alternative medicine with caution and in conjunction with traditional medical treatment. The best way to ensure your health is by undertaking a combination of complementary and conventional medicine under the supervision of a trained medical professional.

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