Easy Daily Ayurvedic Practices

February 10, 2022

The health practice of Ayurveda originates from India 5,000 years ago and is still widely followed today. It can be an entire lifestyle or something that you pick up a few habits from. Just like any lifestyle, there can be a lot to it. Here we have compiled easy to do ayurvedic practices throughout your day. Now let us get a look into how we can incorporate this Indian practice for upkeeping an active and healthy life.

What is Ayurveda?

Practicing Ayurveda daily may be your key to longevity.

Ayurveda is what people call a “Whole Medical System”. Taking into consideration the entire body, mind, and spirit to promote good health, highlight preventative measures, and treat existing diseases. 

Prakruti is Ayurveda’s belief that each person has a specific makeup, designed based on a combination of physical and psychological characteristics. A prakruti is unique for each individual.

The prakruti is made up of the 3 doshas, which are a combination of the 5 elements: fire, water, earth, air, and ether. Daily Ayurvedic activities are meant to support the doshas.

Daily Ayurveda Practices

We can use daily Ayurvedic practices in our everyday lives to focus on all aspects of our health as a system. Here let us look at how you can maintain a healthy mind, body, and spirit with these easy Ayurveda techniques leading you through the day.

Hot Drinks

Most of us start each day with a hot coffee or tea, but as far as hot drinks go, that’s where it stops. However, Ayurveda suggests drinking warm and hot drinks throughout the entire day.

Many say that warm and hot drinks flush toxins more effectively than cold drinks. This is because a hot drink will promote circulation and digestion making for easier and more efficient bodily movements.

Another reason Ayurveda says to have hot drinks is that it’s believed there is a metaphysical energy transfer when boiling water. Enriching our drink with high energy for consumption.

Now our hot drinks don’t always have to be tea and coffee which are high in caffeine. A simple and healthy solution can be hot water with some lemon and ginger slices with a touch of honey if you require the sweetness. Also, try opting for herbal teas such as mint.

Tongue Scraping

An important part of Ayurveda is being able to activate all your taste senses while eating. We can improve this with a tongue scraper. Ideally use a copper scraper as it is more effective at killing bacteria.

First thing in the morning when brushing your teeth, use a copper tongue scraper to loosen up and remove gunk stuck among the taste buds in areas our brushes can’t reach. This build-up is often the source of bad breath as well, blocking our taste buds from fully activating during a meal.

Getting the full experience from a meal is great for our mental health and hunger cues, so we aren’t searching for “a little something more”.

Move Your Body

An obvious but important one. Daily movement is important for anyone and even better at the right time of day.

According to an Ayurvedic daily schedule, the best time to exercise is first thing in the morning. This is when we are building up our energy for the rest of the tasks for the day.

Kick off the day with a suitable yoga class to activate our muscles, or even just a stroll through the park to soak in some nature while getting your blood flowing. Tune into your senses to get them alert and working. 

Self Massage

In Ayurveda, we see this innate relation to treating the body with oil and embracing it in love. This connection is made from Sneha, a Sanskrit word that can be translated to either “oil” or “love.” 

Giving yourself the time daily for a short but important self massage can be impactful. Not only it releases muscle tension but it also promotes circulation. More importantly, it help us develop a new level of self-love and care.

Wrapping Up

Ayurveda considers all aspects of your health. If you want ways to uplift your overall well-being, these easy ayurvedic practices can be daily additions to your routine. If they work for you, we encourage you to continue researching how you can make bigger changes for daily Ayurveda.

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