Discovering Purpose: A Deep Dive into Spiritual Coaching

October 23, 2023

About Spiritual Coaching

Spiritual life coaching is a holistic approach to personal development that incorporates spirituality into the coaching process and guides people along their spiritual awakening journey. This modality can look a little different from practitioner to practitioner. The spiritual life coaching method I use with clients incorporates practices like meditation, energy healing, breathwork, somatic and dreamwork, and helps the client establish a connection to the inner wisdom accessible through their intuition, their body, and their dreams. After spiritual coaching, clients feel increased self-acceptance, enhanced intuition, and confident decision-making.

In 2018, during my Saturn Return astrological transit, I sought a Spiritual Life Coach. It made me question my life’s purpose and feel spiritually disconnected. After a year with my teacher and coach, I was invited to apprentice in her certification program. After my 2020 certification, I developed a unique coaching style, incorporating various modalities.

Meeting Zoe

In 2022, I received an inquiry from Zoe. Zoe was a successful woman in her 30s who had a high-paying job at a global tech firm. She married a wonderful man with whom she had two young children and they lived in their own beautiful home. In fact, by most measures, Zoe was living a successful, even enviable life.

But Zoe was coming up against some deep internal turmoil. She was so burnt out from her job that she received a stress-related leave of absence. She loved her children, but motherhood caused anxiety, leaving no space for her own interests. With the additional time to think from her leave from work, Zoe confronted the big questions about her life. Did she really want to sink hours into a job she wasn’t sure she even liked? Who is she, besides mother and high-flying career woman? And was there more to life than all of this?

Seeking Guidance

Zoe came to me seeking guidance and support for these existential questions. I started Zoe’s session with a grounding meditation, as I do with all spiritual coaching sessions. First, we start with grounding, ensuring discussions come from their whole being, not just the head. Then asked Zoe to tell me what brought her to coaching. She explained, getting emotional at times, about her current situation and how she was seeking some deeper meaning to her life.

After a moment of validating her experience, I invited Zoe into a supine position and I guided her in an embodiment breathwork practice. With deep belly breaths, long exhales with sound, and intuitive movement of her body, Zoe began to slowly disentangle herself from her thoughts and come into her body. Throughout the practice, I would introduce Reiki energy work, crystal healing and smoke cleansing to aid and assist Zoe in her experience. We would continue to work this embodiment practice for our subsequent sessions, and on Zoe’s third session she received a massive emotional release and spiritual download. 

Getting Down to Work

Through grounding energy work, I brought Zoe back to the room and invited her to share any reflections of her experience in that session. She reported a spiritual experience that I identified as an awakening to her clairvoyance and claircognizance abilities. I encouraged Zoe to allow this awakening to continue, by meditating and journaling regularly and writing down her dreams. As the weeks passed, Zoe found herself more attuned to her intuition as well as her own needs and wants. She was able to express these to her loving partner, and make time and space for new experiences.

Zoe concluded her coaching with me and sent a note some months after our work together reporting that she was pursuing her childhood hobbies of music and dance and how much joy they brought her and how they make her better equipped to show up to her job and her family. Furthermore, she reported feeling more satisfied with her life and trusting of the path that was unfolding for her. I do believe Zoe’s strengthened connection to her spirituality aided this growth.

Karen Olivia Kiely

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