Dwayne’s Story: An Inspiring Ayurveda Journey to Wellness

August 14, 2023

About Ayurveda

Ayurveda is the science of life. It’s an ancient wisdom rooted in India that is unique and universal. It recognizes the uniqueness of each of us through the five elements of air, fire, earth, water, and space. The elements, known as doshas are as follows: vata dosha – air & space, pitta dosha – fire & water, and kapha dosha – earth & water. In this way, Ayurveda honors our universal connection and personal journey. It’s technical, practical, comprehensive, and holistic; it’s where art meets science. It empowers us to understand ourselves as we transition through the different stages of life, the changing seasons, and even from moment to moment.

My practice, I am Ayurveda, aims to align you with your highest potential through your journey. It integrates ancient wisdom with modern knowledge and encourages sustainable change through meaningful and achievable goals. I specialize in work-life flow solutions, partnering with individuals and companies alike via the Peak Performance program.

Dwayne’s Story

Dwayne and I had collaborated when his company hired me to enhance their work-life flow. Dwayne first participated in the group initiatives where he consistently showed up for the guided meditations and was particularly active in the Peak Performance Slack channel. He became inspired by one of the resource speakers which prompted him to reach out to me for a personalized deep dive session. Initially, he was skeptical about Ayurveda but he was willing to learn based on his experience with the group initiatives.  

During our initial consultation, Dwayne spoke quickly, kindly, and in great detail about how he wanted to overcome his constant state of worry and address his addiction to nicotine – where his three well-driven attempts were unsuccessful. In a gruff voice, he expressed wanting simplicity but felt too overwhelmed to change. As the conversation continued, I learned of his daily nausea, trouble breathing and sleeping, as well as the desire to gain weight. He expressed the main reason for his extreme stress levels was due to his tight budget. Dwayne had an active self-care practice which included mindful time in nature, daily yoga, playing the guitar, and spending time with his friends and family.  

Dwayne was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and ADHD. He tried a variety of medications for the depression and anxiety, none of which worked. He experienced some relief from the ADHD but he was still experiencing a frantic mindset and constant worry.

Ensuing Sessions

The aim was to meet Dwanyne where he was mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. We made achievable adjustments to his diet that balanced vata dosha and introduced supportive herbs to soothe the nausea and reduce the anxiety to help him sleep. He started practicing alternative options of ‘distraction’ like pranayama which brought his awareness inward. He defined what success meant to him and later started eye gazing to develop more compassion and a better understanding of himself.  

Over the course of seven months, Dwayne and I met bi-weekly. As he shifted into a more balanced state and as the seasons changed, we began focusing on pitta dosha. He became more present, developed greater trust in himself, and experienced more gratitude for life in general. Dwayne was diligent, adjusting for challenges, successes, and positive mind-body shifts.

The Result

Ayurveda’s impact can be immediate, and its progress can last a lifetime. Many find Ayurveda an instrumental tool in your holistic healing journey. The changes Dwanyne experienced began during our first follow-up session and continued over the course of our time together. Right away, he felt “a lot more zen” and the morning nauseous ceased. Over time, he gained the weight he desired, could breathe better, and felt more rejuvenated. He developed more confidence and landed more clients. By our last session, the anxiety and depression were nearly eradicated, he was sleeping better and quit smoking. He learned to move through negative emotions in a healthy way which simplified his life and improved his relationships – both personal and professional. Dwayne started as an Ayurvedic skeptic, now studies it, and recommends it to friends and family.

Raven Rose


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