How Spiritual Life Coaching Helped My Client Achieve Her Goals

February 20, 2023

Spiritual Life Coaching is a type of life coaching that sees human beings as spiritual beings having a very real human experience with all the challenges of the physical world. People drawn to spiritual life coaching find motivation not in material possessions but in the deeper need for personal and spiritual growth. Spiritual Life Coaching helps you create and achieve meaningful goals aligned with your values.

Transpersonal Psychology Coaching

I practice a particular type of spiritual life coaching that stems from Transpersonal Psychology. Transpersonal Psychology is a branch of psychology focusing on the subjective experience beyond the personal egoic identity. It’s a more holistic psychology that sees human beings as multi-dimensional, taking into consideration our subconscious, conscious, and superconscious. It sees us as a part of the whole ecosystem, connected spiritual beings within the greater cosmos. As a branch of psychology, it has plenty of evidence and relies on the research carried out within this discipline.

Transpersonal Psychology focus is on our experience beyond the personal egoic identity. Hence, it draws on altered states of consciousness such as those accessed in meditation, breathwork, and visualization. This in an effort to gain clarity and healing on presenting issues and blocks.

Transpersonal psychologists and coaches believe we are on a healing journey and that we have the wisdom to evolve. Because we are all on a healing journey, the practitioner is not an all-knowing healer. Rather, they are facilitators for the client to access their own inner wisdom and move towards transformation. In this way, transpersonal psychology is a kind of spiritual life coaching focused on achieving your goals through personal growth.

As transpersonal practitioners, we are committed to our own healing and evolution. We root in our daily practices, such as journaling and meditation. We are walking the path ourselves, delving into our own pains and traumas and transcending into the realms of unity. From this position, we serve our clients and co-create a healing space with them so they may evolve and grow.

Becky’s Journey 

Becky had come to me for HypnoBirthing sessions several years before. This time she came for Spiritual Life Coaching. She had been working on herself for many years but felt stuck in her life and with her personal and spiritual development. This was expressing as a heaviness, and she was feeling sad, confused, and frustrated. In addition, her relationships were negatively impacted as she didn’t feel like she had any energy.

Throughout the sessions, we worked on somatic awareness. Holding a safe space and going at Becky’s pace meant she could explore the sensations and emotions arising as we investigated what was beneath her feelings. Slowly Becky found the courage to be in her body and feel the emotions she’d been hiding for many years. These emotions showed up in the pit of her stomach and, at times, were overwhelming. It emerged that the root of this heavy sensation was losing her birth mother as a newborn baby. This was her primal wound showing up many years later, demanding attention.

Moving Along

I also used guided visualizations and meditations to help Becky expand her awareness to include her subconscious self, its stories and traumas, and her higher transcendent self. In one particular visualization, I found myself calling and bringing forth a connection with our parents, grandparents, forefathers and mothers, and ancestors before them. In this space, we both felt held and connected to a lineage of generations and spiritual beings, reminding us of the strength and wisdom we carry with us handed down for generations. This was particularly healing for Becky, who had lost her birth mother and felt disconnected.

By the end of the sessions, Becky was no longer afraid to feel what was going on inside her and had the courage to be vulnerable when she needed to be. Ultimately, Becky felt lighter and more empowered moving forward. She had developed a sense of her expanded higher self which gave her the courage to continue her personal and spiritual development. 

Spiritual Life Coaching is a co-created adventure of growth that can help you achieve your goals. It takes the courage to become familiar with all aspects of ourselves so that we may come to know ourselves intimately and find within ourselves the strength, power, and beauty to live our authentic selves.

Kirsti Formoso is a wellness writer and practitioner. She has over 30 years of experiential knowledge in personal and spiritual development and a Masters of Science in Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology. She is a peer reviewer for two scientific journals specializing in Transpersonal Psychology and Transpersonal Coaching. When she’s not working, she can be found on her vegetable plot, hiking in the mountains, and breathing in all the wonders nature has to offer.

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